5 things Chelsea Handler Teaches Us About Therapy
In her newest book, Chelsea Handler offers us reflections on the unconscious, grief, and the power of therapy … between belly laughs, of course.
In her newest book, Chelsea Handler offers us reflections on the unconscious, grief, and the power of therapy … between belly laughs, of course.
As the aging process emerges, one is called to delve into one’s internal world and relationships and put less focus upon the physical “doing” of life.
Holding onto yourself in the midst of feeling stretched thin.
Pigeons’ capacity to adapt to their environment and remain focused on their goal can teach us a lot about not giving up.
Maybe the Caged Bird sings because of spiritual faith, cultural foundation, knowledge, wisdom and resiliency.
This 1993 classic film continues to inspire moments of insight and rejuvenation around our own lives.